Community Chest Annual Charity Race Day

Horseracing is a popular sport in South Africa, with regular racing taking place around the country. Fairview Racecourse and World Sports Betting collaborated with the Community Chest to raise much-needed funds at one of their biggest races for the year.

Corporates are invited to get involved as part of their CSI initiative and receive great benefits for investing in this fun filled day. They include naming rights to a race, live television interviews, table of 10 guests and networking opportunities.

All proceeds from this event are used for the upliftment of our projects. Apart from selling races we also host an auction after the races to raise additional funds.

This is the ideal opportunity to promote businesses and entertain clients or staff, whilst fulfilling your corporate social responsibility.


Community Chest Annual Ladies Tea

Community Chest Ladies tea is one of our fundraisers that has grown over the past few years. The ladies tea is dedicated to all women in our community, who spend their days working or looking after their families or ensuring children are looked after and homes are taken care off. Apart from doing most of the above, modern women nowadays also manage full-time careers and are responsible for multi-million rand organizations.

This day focuses on all ladies from different backgrounds coming together and celebrate being a woman. The energy in the room is palpable when hosting this absolutely beautiful event and the ladies enjoy interacting and learning from each other.

We invite powerful guest speakers to share their life experiences and every year we have a different theme where the ladies are spoiled with free gifts.

All the funds raised at this event are distributed to the women in need, uplifting those who have lost l their dignity due to being physically or sexually abused by their partners.
